Questions · Fragen

▶︎ Are aquatic animals (seafood, fish) crucial for our protein supply, and for which people?
▶︎ Can industrialised countries switch to plant-based alternatives to replace the ingredients of fish?
▶︎ Are aquatic animals the last great wild resource for proteins and trace elements?
▶︎ Do aquatic habitats offer the greatest remaining biodiversity?
▶︎ Are oceans, lakes and rivers a crucial source of life?
▶︎ Do aquatic animals provide a livelihood for millions of people, and which people in particular?
▶︎ Are aquatic animals sentient, i.e. do they feel pain, suffering and pleasure?
▶︎ Which aquatic species can be farmed so that they experience welfare?
▶︎ How can wild aquatic animals be protected from the impacts of human activities (waste dumping, shipping, tourism, sand mining, deep-sea mining, fishing, wastewater and waste from agriculture, industry, and cities, aquaculture in water and on land, buildings near beaches, etc.)?

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